Maximiliano Bober (b. 1988) finds the act of listening a central point for his artistic exploration and also how listening can create affinities and a shared place. The areas of his works connect musical composition, improvisation, soundart, literature and translation.
His music was performed in many places in Europe, Asia and Latinamerica, among them in 2019 at the Kyiv Music Fest. In 2020 was invited to the Festival of Improvised Music "Ad Libitum" and in 2021 collaborated with the composer Sławek Wojciechowski and the philosopher Mikołaj Ratajczak on composing for the 64th edition of the "Warsaw Autumn" festival a soundwalk which integrated the historical, social and cultural layers of Warsaw.
In 2019 participated in Composers Meet Composers and in 2020 was invited as resident in Klangraum festival. In the past mentored by Ricardo Capellano (Buenos Aires), Antoine Beuger, Joachim Eckl, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Eva-Maria Houben, Johnny Chang. Currently collaborates and collaborated with Emiliano Salvatore, Rene Holtkamp, Ana Gnjatovic, Lottie Sad, Tomas Cabado, Sebastien Beliah, Robert Prokopovich, Visi Tantes Collective (Arg), Sed Contra Ensemble (Ukraine), Kwartludium (PL).
As with all Bober's music, be it composed, improvised, performative or otherwise, it indicates that he will be worth watching out for in the coming years and decades.
John Eyles, AllAboutJazz review
One of the (many) things I love about Edition Wandelweiser, especially in recent years, has been their willingness to publish material by composers who are, at least to me (and I imagine many) entirely new. As much as I crave hearing more work from the Houbens, Beugers, Pisaros etc. of the world, it's extra great to put on a disc with no idea what to expect and to be pleasantly thrilled. As with 'somos' from Maximiliano Bober. Four pieces, two for solo piano, despite the "duo" in the title (Alejandro Peña Gutièrrez) and two trios with Natalia Jarosiewicz (soprano), Clara Peláez Hidalgo (flute) and Gutièrrez. Soft and probing but with slight tinges of sourness, even sadness. Lovely work.
What I find special about this album is found in Bober’s voice as a composer. Poema speaks to something about void, which is distinct from silence. It’s not stillness, not solemnity: It’s candor.
Tomás Cabado for Tone Glow review

("Topographic map of Chenque Hill near Vistula river". DALL-E generated)